Soil Type
Pepper is grown in different types of soil that is deep and rich in nutrients. Care should be taken to avoid areas where other Solanacea have already been grown.
Pepper needs to long and warm season growth. Pepper plants need high heat in the first half of their life 25-30 ° c to have a full canopy and moderate temperature of 20-25 ° c in the second half of her life to maximize flower and fruit set to grow. “Hot” varieties tolerate high temperatures more than sweet varieties.
Water Requirements
Peppers need plenty of water, especially in the hot, dry summer months. Pepper plants like moist soil and will acquire a bitter taste if they do not have enough. Even a short dry period can cause premature drop of flowers.
Nutrition Requirements
Fertilize well and as recommended, after having soil tested.
Harvesting Period
Harvesting peppers while they are still green encourage production of further flowers/fruits. Harvesting peppers when they are more mature (orange or red) effectively means lower pepper production. As long fruits when they are still immature (green), the plant will continue to produce more fruit.
Harvesting Methods
Immature (green) peppers are edible, although both flavour and vitamin content of peppers improve as they ripen to red, yellow or orange. Ripe peppers should be cut cleanly from the plant, leaving a small stub of stem attached.